
pretty sweet

what a beautiful city... it really is. looking over the lush botanical gardens and beyond to watsons bay, my eye follows the water to the magnificent cliff face at north head, i can imagine how beautiful it would be looking over bondi, watching the waves crash over the rocks while drinking a nice crisp beer at the icebergs. im standing at the reception area at work, and im already salivating over the thought of my first pale ale... its only been a month and a half but it feels like ive been gone for a very long time. my beautiful view is briefly vanquished and replaced by the dull grey image of my office window in tokyo... i can almost make out the brand of green tea the woman is making in the building next door, and smell the slightly burnt scent of coffee rising from my morning brew.... shit i need a latte, how could i forget... just then my manager comes out to greet me... hold that latte mate, no sugar.

from the daily grind of commuting in tokyo, i find myself in a very candy coated version of sydney... an apartment in the city would be nice... sleep till 8, stroll in to work. once youve had the double glaze, its going to be pretty hard to go back to eating the cold hard crumbly cinnamon donut... but then again even without the double glaze, sydney is pretty sweet.

1 件のコメント:

Aimes and Hobbes さんのコメント...

oh...how sweet it is!
Maz it's all so true. These crisp clear days are making it very hard to consider turning back on a plane for Heathrow.